Blairgowrie and Rattray Methodists
The Blairgowrie and Rattray Methodists are part of the East of Scotland Methodist Church which in turn is part of the Angus, Dundee, and Perthshire Methodist Circuit, and the Methodist Church in Scotland.
The Methodist Church is Britain’s fourth largest Christian denomination and part of the worldwide Methodist family of over 60 million committed members and a further 20 million adherents. As per the latest count, there are approximately 170,000 people who have made and sustained a commitment to Christian discipleship within the Methodist Church of Great Britain and are active members of a local Methodist church.
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. It does this through:
At the heart of our gathering is a warm and vibrant community of individuals united by faith, love, and the spirit of togetherness. Whether you’ve always had a spiritual sanctuary, are in search of a new place of worship, or are simply curious about experiencing the essence of Christian worship, you’ll find a welcoming space here with us. This friendly close-knit church community has evolved and enhanced services by employing the use of modern technology, which can vary in style and traditions of praise, and worship and therefore reach out hopefully to the local community in these changing times.
Our mission is to work together to use the facilities that God has given us to ensure that we are an effective witness for Jesus Christ in this community. We co-operate with other Christians to demonstrate God’s grace and love for all people. As Methodists we believe that God’s love is for everyone. We worship God as revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we try to witness to the goodness of God in our daily lives. We seek to learn and grow together, to support each other and to serve our local community.
We warmly invite everyone, regardless of denomination or faith background, to share in worship. Following our services, please stay and connect over a refreshing cup of tea or coffee, our arms are always open to welcome visitors. We all have the good news to share from our own experience of God. As a small group in our current place of worship we strive to develop friendly attitudes towards everyone we meet and take pleasure when visitors attend our fellowship.
There is one step into the café but please do contact us if you have any concerns about attending or particular needs.
We are excited to announce our upcoming coffee mornings, along with occasional fundraising events. These fundraisers will benefit causes like Action for Children, All We Can, Methodist Homes, among other notable charities. Stay tuned for more details!
Join us at the Wellmeadow Café, located in the SCYD building at Wellmeadow House, Gas Brae, Blairgowrie PH10 6AY
We are a justice-seeking church and embrace the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy and guidance of the Methodist Church of Scotland and Great Britain. We warmly welcome everyone, ensuring easy access for wheelchair users and a comfortable experience for all.
Our services commence at 11am every Sunday.
We alternate weekly, offering a traditional service with a preacher one week, and broadcasting directly via YouTube or Zoom to the centre the next.
If viewing on mobile device, please click on the image below to enlarge, or click here
Blairgowrie services commence at 11am every Sunday.
Digital Service can be accessed at
Strathclyde Circuit Service can be accessed at
If viewing on mobile device, please click on the image below to enlarge, or click here
Blairgowrie services commence at 11am every Sunday.
Digital Service can be accessed at
Strathclyde Circuit Service can be accessed at